Benefits of ELD’s In Commercial Trucking Posted by ocmaillet | Nov. 28 2020

ELD’s are electronic logging devices that connect to the truck’s motor, automatically tracking hours of service. The driving time is restricted for safety reasons. The ELD can transfer its information to dispatch or transportation officers during an inspection or while at a weigh station. Police can also use this information to investigate an accident as it stores information that cannot be altered.
With the transition to ELD’s there have been some questions around the benefits of ELD’s versus handwritten logbooks. The obvious reason for the use of ELD’s is the general safety of the driver and others on the road. However, there are other reasons for the use of ELD’s:
Because the ELD’s record driving hours, drivers spend less time manually recording them. According to, drivers (per driver, per year) and management saves approximately $487 not having to manually document their hours and $56 not having to manually submit those hours.
Think of the ELD like the black box on an airplane. The ELD on a transport truck serves a similar purpose. Should a driver get into an accident, the ELD will not only document their location, but can provide a timeline of the driver’s safety before, during, and after the accident. This digital timeline can then easily be forwarded to the Police.
The ELD can also be helpful should a driver require roadside assistance. No explanation required to dispatch, the location of the driver is easily determined.
The information provided by an ELD is being relayed to dispatch and/or management in real-time. Prior to ELD’s management would have to wait for paper copies to be brought in by the driver, reviewed, and filed until any concern was addressed.
With the GPS function of the ELD, drivers are able to see what routes are preferable for their specific run. It can also highlight routes with heavy traffic, construction so these areas can possibly be avoided.
Learning more about preventative maintenance, driver timelines and scheduling – just to name a few. Having this type of information can provide several opportunities for improvement not only for the drivers, but also fleet management and administration. For example, most ELD’s can provide vehicle diagnostics giving fleet management and the drivers a heads up with maintenance has to occur.
ELD’s appear to be an efficient and all inclusive way to increase productivity and provide useful information ultimately streamlining existing processes.